The 'Making The Link' study is THE European study identifying the psychological impact on children who are regularly exposed to community animal
In this world, in which we all live together, nothing occurs on its own. Changes reverberate throughout society and resonate globally, in sometimes hitherto unexpected places.
We, humans, label and place ourselves into various categories. Nature does not make any discrimination or distinction. Everything is interconnected.
Not only do animal abusers introduce interpersonal violence issues and distort their own psychological development, but they also impede social development. Significant research into the LINK between such connections has established that in societies, where animal abuse is ignored, children suffer, and, as the children are the citizens of our future, society is bound to suffer too.
Protect one... another is protected... protect the yet another... and society is protected!!the-connections/c1weo
website introduces the 'Making The Link' study - THE European study to
identify psychological effects of children regularly exposed to
community animal abuse and evaluation of efficacy of interventions.
The study was initiated by Teesside University (UK) to explore the connection between exposure to endemic abuse in social environments where no previous research had been conducted. 'Making The Link' will seek to evidence the impact which abuse has on the children of these lands... on the people... on the societies. And it will also demonstrate how easily positive change can be effected.
Although multi-dimensional, the study has a central objective of exemplifying connections between animal abuse and a child's psychological health and behavior with its resultant impact on societies. The efficacy of creating positive change by introducing interventions will be evaluated to explore their ability to enhance the quality of both a child's life and the attendant positive effects on society.
The ‘Making the Link‘ program has been credited by leading US academics involved in this field as ‘Amazing!‘ and as ‘The biggest LINK study ever attempted‘. Support comes from, among others, National Link Coalition and Institute for Human-Animal Connection who are the world leaders in this domain.
Most assuredly, the project is unique. In addition to promoting positive attitudes towards animals and in humanely reducing numbers, thereby providing a safer life and reducing the number of potential ‘victims‘, it will create and exemplify that positive societal change can be achieved, reduce anti-social practices, enhance children's psychological health and enforce redundant laws. But perhaps most importantly in a region which embraces around 20% of the European continent with similar issues, a pioneering model would be created to demonstrate to all municipalities and authorities that an effective solution is available to enhance the quality of life within their remit of care - for both people and animals.
A major collaboration of world-leading international organisations and academics have created the 'Making The Link' project to bring change... in the belief that a new tomorrow CAN be created for the children and animals of these lands.
This is their birthright! And ours to give.
For the list of Project Partners, please visit:!project-partners/ci4f
In this world, in which we all live together, nothing occurs on its own. Changes reverberate throughout society and resonate globally, in sometimes hitherto unexpected places.
We, humans, label and place ourselves into various categories. Nature does not make any discrimination or distinction. Everything is interconnected.
Not only do animal abusers introduce interpersonal violence issues and distort their own psychological development, but they also impede social development. Significant research into the LINK between such connections has established that in societies, where animal abuse is ignored, children suffer, and, as the children are the citizens of our future, society is bound to suffer too.
Protect one... another is protected... protect the yet another... and society is protected!!the-connections/c1weo
The study was initiated by Teesside University (UK) to explore the connection between exposure to endemic abuse in social environments where no previous research had been conducted. 'Making The Link' will seek to evidence the impact which abuse has on the children of these lands... on the people... on the societies. And it will also demonstrate how easily positive change can be effected.
Although multi-dimensional, the study has a central objective of exemplifying connections between animal abuse and a child's psychological health and behavior with its resultant impact on societies. The efficacy of creating positive change by introducing interventions will be evaluated to explore their ability to enhance the quality of both a child's life and the attendant positive effects on society.
The ‘Making the Link‘ program has been credited by leading US academics involved in this field as ‘Amazing!‘ and as ‘The biggest LINK study ever attempted‘. Support comes from, among others, National Link Coalition and Institute for Human-Animal Connection who are the world leaders in this domain.
Most assuredly, the project is unique. In addition to promoting positive attitudes towards animals and in humanely reducing numbers, thereby providing a safer life and reducing the number of potential ‘victims‘, it will create and exemplify that positive societal change can be achieved, reduce anti-social practices, enhance children's psychological health and enforce redundant laws. But perhaps most importantly in a region which embraces around 20% of the European continent with similar issues, a pioneering model would be created to demonstrate to all municipalities and authorities that an effective solution is available to enhance the quality of life within their remit of care - for both people and animals.
A major collaboration of world-leading international organisations and academics have created the 'Making The Link' project to bring change... in the belief that a new tomorrow CAN be created for the children and animals of these lands.
This is their birthright! And ours to give.
For the list of Project Partners, please visit:!project-partners/ci4f